"WHO ARE YOU?! How long have you been standing there?",
"I shouldn't have yelled. I'm so sorry.",
"I just didn't realize anyone would be here.",
"I haven't had a chance to tidy up, I wasn't expecting anyone",
"I'm sorry it's all in disarray...",
"... Wait...",
"...why should I apologize?",
"How did you get in here?",
"NO don't go!",
"Please don't go",
"I'm so lonely...",
"Would you like some contact information? Is that why you came to see me back here?",
"You wouldn't have to talk to me... you could just take some information... if you like ... ?",
"... I wonder if you were ever really here...",
"... what was... what was I saying?",
"... who was I talking to? I thought I ... was talking to someone...?",
"... no, that's... that's not right, I live here by myself...",
"that's it, I was just talking to myself",
"... Phew",
"Now I'll just sweep over here by the resume's glitch-door and .....",
The Lost Department, Room -1
Missplaced Academy
000 Forgotten Street, Wheream Eye, NH
officeI have no office, nor are my most embarrassing memories kept there
phoneI do not answer the phone